B&B Shipping LLC

+1 (313) 284‑8955


Mon - Sat: 8:00 - 20:30

Heating & Air Conditioning

B&B Shipping  can install heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems in any size or condition of ISO container. These units work great for portable offices, temperature sensitive portable storage and many other specialized containers. HV/AC units vary in size, complexity and BTU levels, so ask your Container Alliance sales rep about our HV / AC options that are customizable to your specific applications.


Wall Mountl Heat/AC

We typically install a Bard Wall-Mount that is a self-contained energy efficient heating and cooling system. These are designed to offer maximum indoor comfort without using valuable indoor floor space or outside ground space. Options: 1.5 through 5 ton available. BTU from 16000 to 54000.

Window Mount Heat/AC

This is your typical window air conditioner that will help regulate temperature inside your container. These are readily available from 8000 to 24000 BTU.

We typically installed these units on the end of the container so they are not an issue during transport. Ask our sales team for more details on heating and air options that best suit your needs.

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